DSSAK Årsmøde 2013 afholdes som Skandinavisk fællesmøde i Malmö d. 25.-26. april, se invitation nedenfor
Der vil være mulighed for frie foredrag.
Abstraks kan sendes til selskabet sekretær og bør overholde DOS vanlige format.
Deadline 1. februar 2013.
Abstraks vedrørende skulderproteser og albuetraumatologi vil blive foretrukket og prioriteret i session, men øvrige modtages også.
6th Scandinavian Conference on Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow
April 25-26th 2013 – Malmö, Sweden
Welcome to the 6th Scandinavian conference on Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow. Main topics: Shoulder arthroplasty and Elbow trauma
This is the 6th combined meeting for the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian societies of shoulder and elbow surgery.
The main subject on Thursday 25th is shoulder arthroplasty – state of the art 2012.
On Friday 26th elbow trauma is the main topic. All orthopaedic surgeon interested in shoulder and elbow surgery are welcome to participate.
Professor Evan Flatow from New York, USA is an internationally well established expert on shoulder arthroplasty. We are very pleased to present him as our honoured guest lecturer.
On Thursday he will share his experience of modern shoulder arthroplasty with us and update us about today trends.
Leading shoulder and elbow experts from Sweden, Denmark and Norway will give lectures and participate in discussions. On Thursday there is a session of case discussions with a panel consisting of professor Flatow and Scandinavian experts.